Versailles State Park Trail System
The mountain bike trail system within Versailles State Park covers over 25 miles. Most of the trails are flowing single track, built primarily by volunteers over the past 17 years. "Ride 'em all" to get in nearly 30 miles of trail riding!

Shadow Run
Shadow run is the trail most convenient to the mountain bike trail head. This single track trail is just over 4 miles in length. Often ridden "counter clockwise", the ride begins with a one mile climb. Once up top, the trail flows through tight turns within the cedar groves.
As the name of this trail implies, this single track flows well above the Laughery Creek. Running just over 2 miles, this trail is not recommended for the beginner.
This is one of the longest trails within the system. Grandview runs from the center of the trail system to the northern most sections of the park. Covering nearly 9 miles, you will experience varying terrain on Grandview.
This often forgotten loop within the middle of the trail system is a tight-turning single track. The remote feel adds to the mystery of this trail. You can run the trail either clockwise or counter clockwise. This 2-mile trail is a treat to those that discover it.

One of the oldest trails within the system, this rocky single track provides a low level access to the system. Following the banks of Laughery Creek, the 2 1/2 miles includes a lengthy climb to the center of the trails.
Turtle Loop
The inaugural trail for the system, this beginner-level trail is a flat, sometimes twisty, entrance to the trail system. Running a little more than a mile, Turtle will be an enjoyable start to your Versailles adventure.
Last Chance
This trail is a steep trail loaded with switchbacks. Last Chance was built to connect the legacy trail system with the next generation of trails on the west side of Laughery Creek. You must cross the creek to get to the new trail section. You may get wet. This 3 mile out-and-back trail will challenge any rider.
Eagle Trace
Completed in Fall 2016, Eagle Trace meanders above Laughery Creek on the west side of the park. This trail will challenge even the seasoned rider with quick ups-and-downs,
Worm Hole
Completed in Summer 2017, this trail reflects the long, flowing Grandview trail on the east side of Laughery Creek. Don't be fooled. There are sections that will challenge your technical abilities.

Potato Peeler
Completed in Summer 2023 this trail reflects the long, flowing Grandview trail on the east side of Laughery Creek. With nearly 5 miles of trail, this is a fun ride in either direction.